Τετάρτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Crowded vanishing act

Oh your mind dimple was so simple…
Anew wind came that blew away the shame
drilled from old beliefs while all around
standing in awe were relived from this crime scene…

Descending farewells in flocks ridden delight
angel driven bright night sent the fight
without remorse, not even close,
while blossoms non existed was unseen
sleeping was the beast but not the beauty…

Alas! Love and Light gone
hidden in sacred form
in a memory smile file
burning alive inside the fleshy well
oh well…

Random upon the way a simple nest
alabastron buried deep in earth’s breast
holding the divine liquid in rest

None was left to see the sun…all alone you came undone.

Took your wings élan fled in grace
then you defined mutual exclusive space

Sigh sigh beautiful sire…
[said the breeze]
Cause your damsel is in time lost…
[said the wave]
While you are wrong in boast
[said the sun]

But the seagull came swift as he stopped upon the dolphin’s back
while both were captured still in unison whispered deep…

Blow away yourself then maybe you will be heard!

…and there was none around no more


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